Key Research Experience

  • Oct 2022 Present

    Postdoctoral Researcher

    Norwegian Center for Molecular Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway

  • Oct 2018 June 2022

    Ph.D Student

    European Brain Research Institute, Rome, Italy

  • Jan 2020 Jun 2020

    Visiting Research Fellow

    Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Education & Training

  • Ph.D 2022

    Doctor of Philosophy

    Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy

  • B.E 2016

    Bachelors in Computer Engineering

    University of Mumbai, India

  • H.S.C 2012

    Higher Secondary Certificate

    R. Jhunjhunwala College, Mumbai, India

Research Projects (Neuroscience)

  • Network and population state dependent nature of hippocampal sub-population recruitment

    Advisors: Dr. Enrico Cherubini
    Domain: Systems Neuroscience
    Technology used: MATLAB Programming

    + Manuscript in preparation.

  • State-dependent coupling of hippocampal oscillations

    Advisors: Prof. Enrico Cherubini, Prof. Francesco Battaglia, Dr. Marilena Griguoli, Dr. Federico Stella
    Domain: Systems Neuroscience
    Technology used: MATLAB Programming

    + We designed a different, multivariate, approach to simultaneously analyze interactions between multiple oscillations and applied it to rodent hippocampal LFPs.
    + Article published in eLife: Link here

  • Altered CCK-mediated GABAergic currents and networks oscillations in CA2 region of animal model of autism

    Advisors: Prof. Enrico Cherubini and Dr. Marilena Griguoli
    Co-first author: Dr. Domeinco Pimpinella
    Domain: Systems and cellular neuroscience
    Technology used: In vivo and ex-vivo electrophysiological recordings, Behavioral recordings, PCR, Immunohistochemistry, MATLAB Programming

    + Performed whole-cell patch clamp recordings from hippocampal slices.
    + Wrote Matlab scripts to analyse the data.
    + Key findings: Altered Excitatory/Inhibitory (E/I) balance and network oscillations in CA2 region of neuroligin 3 knockout mouse suggesting its role in social deficits in autism.

  • Role of rat's retrosplenial cortex in spatial navigation

    Advisor: Dr. Hiroshi Ito
    Domain: Systems Neuroscience
    Technology used: In vivo electrophysiological recordings and MATLAB Programming

    + Built tetrode drive and performed surgery on rat for implantation.
    + Trained rats and conducted electrophysiological recordings in freely behaving rats.
    + Wrote Matlab scripts to analyse the data.
    + Performed perfusion to extract brain and brain slicing to confirm implant locations.
    + Key finding: Presence of head direction signals, place signals, speed signals, movement direction signals, border signals existing either independently or in conjunction in rat's retrosplenial cortex.

  • Computer Engineering Projects

  • Cloud Concessions - Online portal for railway concessions

    Advisor: Independent Project
    Domain: Web Programming
    Technology used: CodeIgnitor Framework in PHP, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL

    + Designed and developed a platform for students and colleges to automatic the process of getting railway concessions via cloudways.
    + It is currently used by more than 1500 students and is still in its expansion phase.
    + Website: VESIT Rail

  • Virtual Office - Enterprise Resource Plan

    Advisor: Mr. Viraj Khatavkar
    Domain: Web Programming
    Technology used: CodeIgnitor Framework in PHP, MySQL

    + Virtual office is an ERP which helps managing all the resource of a Chartered Accoutants firm.
    + It consists of the modules like Employee management, Tasks management, Client management, Meeting management etc.
    + I have developed the CRUD functions for Employee module using CodeIgniter in PHP.

  • Online Exam System

    Advisor: Mr. Viraj Khatavkar
    Domain: Web Programming
    Technology used: CodeIgnitor Framework in PHP, MySQL

    Online Exam systems is a web portal which provides practicing for competitive examinations like Union Public Service Commision (UPSC), MPSC and Banking exams.

    The key features includes:
    + Simple and Neat User Interface.
    + A complete report module which generates all statistics and reports about each student in each test and then suggests the appropriate areas of improvements to build a good score.
    + Automatic Test Generation Module which generates tests including non repetitive questions and instantaneous report generation.

  • Human Trafficking Website

    Advisor: Independent Project
    Domain: Web Programming
    Technology used: CodeIgnitor Framework in PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS

    + A website to spread the awareness and educate people about human trafficking.
    + This website includes key features like login and registration, file a complaint, suggestion box.
    + It was developed in just 2 days of time during an intercollegiate hackathon "Algorithms 1.0" .
    + We finished 1st runner up in the competition.

  • Library Mangement System

    Advisor: Mr. Viraj Khatavkar
    Domain: Web Programming
    Technology used: CodeIgnitor Framework in PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS

    + Library Mangement System based on HTML, CSS, JQuery, AJAX, Javascript, PHP and MySql is now running in an Vivekanand Seva Mandal's Engineering library.
    + All the records of students, transactions, calculation of fine, registering a new member in library is now managed on this web application.

  • Library Automation using RFID

    Advisor: Dr. Rajani Mangala | Mrs. Nusrat Ansari
    Domain: Web Programming
    Technology used: Radio Frequency Idenfication(RFID) Chips, RFID Reader, MATLAB, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Java

    + Library Management using RFID is a project for 'Looking Beyond Syllabus Program in Vivekanand Education Society Institute of Technology.
    + The Project involves uses of wireless communication between RFID reader and tags to read the information about the books used in Library.
    + It also requires languages like PHP, SQL for backend of the library search engine.
    + On long term basis it covers the development of an Android application which allows students to remotely check the availability of books in library.

  • UIO Logo

    University of Oslo, Norway

    Post doctoral Researcher
    [Oct 2022 - Present]

    I am currently working in the lab of Dr. Charlotte Boccara to study the role of developmental sleep in cognitive functions
    Group Website

  • EBRI Logo

    European Brain Research Institute, Italy

    Ph.D Student
    [Jan 2018 - Sep 2022]

    I did my Ph.D in the lab of Dr. Enrico Cherubini at European Brain Research Institute in Rome, Italy. My thesis titled "Characterization of Hippocampal Network State Space during Wakefulness and Sleep" introduces a novel analytical framework to study simultaneous influence of network oscillations on the neuronal population.

  • Donders Logo

    Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior, Netherlands

    Visiting Research Fellow
    [Jan 2020 - Jun 2020]

    I worked with Dr. Francesco Battaglia to develop advanced analytical framework to study network oscillations simultaneously

  • Max Planck Society Logo

    Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Germany

    Research Intern
    [Sep 2016 - Aug 2017]

    Research Intern in the lab of Dr. Hiroshi Ito to understand the functions of retrosplenial cortex in spatial navigation.

  • image

    Nuclei Technologies, India

    Founder and Lead Developer
    [Sep 2014 - Sep 2015]

    + Built a product that automates the administrative process for college students.
    + Conducted and organized developer oriented workshops.
    + Built and managed a team of 12 Interns from multiple colleges
    + Product - Cloud Concessions. - An online portal that allows students to apply for railway concession. The first software of its kind is currently being used by more than 2000 students to get railway concession. It is free for all students.

  • Tantra Gyan Business Solutions Logo

    Tantra-Gyan India Business Solutions, India

    Software Engineering Intern
    [Jan 2014 - Jul 2014]

    + Developed an Enterprise Resource Plan and Online exam system using CodeIgniter Framework in PHP.
    + Back-end and Database Designer for various applications and projects undertaken by TG
    + The following are the projects :
    - Virtual office [E.R.P]
    - Online Test System.

  • Vivekanand Seva Mandal Logo

    Vivekanand Seva Mandal, India

    Application Developer
    [May 2013 - May 2015]

    + Volunteered for a non governmental organization and promoting computer education amongst student.
    + Involved in developing applications for an engineering library run by Vivekanand Seva Mandal
    + Conducted a workshop on LAN technologies for around 40 students.

  • Notemybook Logo

    Notemybook, India

    Technical Advisor
    [Jan 2014 - Jul 2014]

    + Involved in sharing technical ideas with a startup ''.
    + Developed the user interface for the Brand new look of
    + Involved in monitoring the technical requirements of the company and providing appropriate solutions for it.

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State-dependent coupling of hippocampal oscillations

Modi B, Guardamagna M, Stella F, Griguoli M, Cherubini E, Battaglia FP
Research Article ELife.


Oscillations occurring simultaneously in a given area represent a physiological unit of brain states. They allow for temporal segmentation of spikes and support distinct behaviors. To establish how multiple oscillatory components co-vary simultaneously and influence neuronal firing during sleep and wakefulness in mice, we describe a multivariate analytical framework for constructing the state space of hippocampal oscillations. Examining the co-occurrence patterns of oscillations on the state space, across species, uncovered the presence of network constraints and distinct set of cross-frequency interactions during wakefulness compared to sleep. We demonstrated how the state space can be used as a canvas to map the neural firing and found that distinct neurons during navigation were tuned to different sets of simultaneously occurring oscillations during sleep. This multivariate analytical framework provides a window to move beyond classical bivariate pipelines for investigating oscillations and neuronal firing, thereby allowing to factor-in the complexity of oscillation–population interactions.

Possible implication of the CA2 hippocampal circuit in social cognition deficits observed in the Neuroligin 3 knock-out mouse, a non-syndromic animal model of autism.

Modi B*, Pimpinella D*, Pazienti A, Zacchi P, Cherubini E, Griguoli M.
Research Article Frontiers in Psychiatry.


Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) comprise a heterogeneous group of neuro-developmental abnormalities with a strong genetic component, characterized by deficits in verbal and non-verbal communication, impaired social interactions, and stereotyped behaviors. In a small percentage of cases, ASDs are associated with alterations of genes involved in synaptic function. Among these, relatively frequent are mutations/deletions of genes encoding for neuroligins (NLGs). NLGs are postsynaptic adhesion molecules that, interacting with their presynaptic partners neurexins, ensure the cross talk between pre- and postsynaptic specializations and synaptic stabilization, a condition needed for maintaining a proper excitatory/inhibitory balance within local neuronal circuits. We have focused on mice lacking NLG3 (NLG3 knock-out mice), animal models of a non-syndromic form of autism, which exhibit deficits in social behavior reminiscent of those found in ASDs. Among different brain areas involved in social cognition, the CA2 region of the hippocampus has recently emerged as a central structure for social memory processing. Here, in vivo recordings from anesthetized animals and ex vivo recordings from hippocampal slices have been used to assess the dynamics of neuronal signaling in the CA2 hippocampal area. In vivo experiments from NLG3-deficient mice revealed a selective impairment of spike-related slow wave activity in the CA2 area and a significant reduction in oscillatory activity in the theta and gamma frequencies range in both CA2 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus. These network effects were associated with an increased neuronal excitability in the CA2 hippocampal area. Ex vivo recordings from CA2 principal cells in slices obtained from NLG3 knock-out animals unveiled a strong excitatory/inhibitory imbalance in this region accompanied by a strong reduction of perisomatic inhibition mediated by CCK-containing GABAergic interneurons. These data clearly suggest that the selective alterations in network dynamics and GABAergic signaling observed in the CA2 hippocampal region of NLG3 knock-out mice may account for deficits in social memory reminiscent of those observed in autistic patients.

Microglia control glutamatergic synapses in the adult mouse hippocampus

Basilico B, Ferrucci L, Ratano P, Golia M. T, Grimaldi A, Rosito M, Ferretti V, Reverte I, Sanchini C, Marrone M. C, Giubettini M, De Turris V, Salerno D, Garofalo S, St-Pierre M.-K, Carrier M, Renzi M, Pagani F, Modi B, Raspa M, Scavizzi F, Gross CT, Marinelli S, Tremblay M, Caprioli D, Maggi L, Limatola C, Angelantonio S, Ragozzino D.
Research Article Glia.


Microglia cells are active players in regulating synaptic development and plasticity in the brain. However, how they influence the normal functioning of synapses is largely unknown. In this study, we characterized the effects of pharmacological microglia depletion, achieved by administration of PLX5622, on hippocampal CA3-CA1 synapses of adult wild type mice. Following microglial depletion, we observed a reduction of spontaneous and evoked glutamatergic activity associated with a decrease of dendritic spine density. We also observed the appearance of immature synaptic features and higher levels of plasticity. Microglia depleted mice showed a deficit in the acquisition of the Novel Object Recognition task. These events were accompanied by hippocampal astrogliosis, although in the absence ofneuroinflammatory condition. PLX-induced synaptic changes were absent in Cx3cr1−/− mice, highlighting the role of CX3CL1/CX3CR1 axis in microglia control of synaptic functioning. Remarkably, microglia repopulation after PLX5622 withdrawal was associated with the recovery of hippocampal synapses and learning functions. Altogether, these data demonstrate that microglia contribute to normal synaptic functioning in the adult brain and that their removal induces reversible changes in organization and activity of glutamatergic synapses.

Mentoring: Students, Interns and Junior Researchers

  • Jan 2024 Present

    Letizia Signorelli - Data Analyst

    Project: Automated approaches for developmental sleep scoring

  • Sep 2023 Present

    Solveig Horn – Master’s Student

    Project: Behavioural and electrophysiological method to infer cognitive development in rodents

  • Sep 2023 Present

    Ane Gaupseth Mæstad – Master’s Student

    Project: Developmental maturation of thermoregulation across sleep stage

  • Jun 2023 Aug 2023

    Sunniva Segtnan - Summer Research Intern

    Project: Maturation of sleep spindles across development

  • Mar 2023 Aug 2023

    Adrian Engberg – Master’s Student

    Project: Emergence of twitches during early development

Workshops and Teaching Assistance

  • 2015 Sep

    Lab Session on Web Technologies

    Conducted a laboratory session on Web Technologies on the occasion of Teacher's day.

  • 2015 March

    Web Development using PHP

    Conducted two workshops of duration 8 hours each on PHP and MySQL for Nuclei Technologies.

  • 2014 Oct

    Local Area Network [LAN]

    Conducted a theoretical and practical workshop on Local Area Network(LAN) for 40 students at Vivekanand Seva Mandal

  • 2014 Aug

    Android Development

    Teaching Assistant during a workshop on JAVA and Android Programming organized by

  • 2013 Oct

    PC Assembly

    Conducted workshop on PC Assembly and PHP/MySQL and TA for .Net Framework and Flash workshop for Computer Society of India (CSI)- VESIT.